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Love is,

Planting a tree in EchoValley

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What is EchoValley

Sunset Over Trees

Adopt a sapling

to plant in the street/forest

You can adopt a sapling in advance for your pet and obtain a certificate (including a unique identification number) jointly issued by EchoValley and Spain Green Association. The Green Association is responsible for planting saplings where it is most needed for environmental projects across spain.


Bury the ash

beneath the tree you adopted

After your pet dies, we will provide you with a one-stop pet funeral service. Pet ashes will be sent to your sapling planting site and planted with the sapling you adopted. Each tree will be hung with a QR code identification card. You can customize the QR code identification content, which can be an introduction to your pet's life.


Plant a virtual tree

in EchoValley to memorize 

After planting trees offline, trees will be planted in the EchoValley online. You can see the growth of trees and real photos in EchoValley. At the same time, by interacting with the online EchoValley, you can also maintain the offline trees. There are more functions online that are under development and testing.


Love is not avoiding the topic,

but plan it to give him/her a warm home after-life

Make an appointment now for free

to be the first one to experience the EchoValley

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Gran de Gracia,

Barcelona 08012, Spain


Tel: +34 634 62 0305



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